Monday, May 30, 2016

This or That Tag

Hello everyone! Today we have another tag post for you. We got a great response on our last tag so we thought we would do another one! Here is the This or That Tag!

Dog or Cat?
Katelyn: If you saw our last tag, you would know that I am on team Dog. I am like the team captain. 
Kiara: Dog, hands down. 
Netflix or YouTube?
Katelyn: I would say Youtube because I kinda have an addiction to it. 
Kiara: Netflix because I like watching movies.
Phone Call or Text?
Katelyn: Text because it's awkward to stop talking in a middle of a phone call to ask your friend what you should say next.
Kiara: Either one really works but I would probably say text. 
Toast or Eggs?
Katelyn: I'd probably say toast. With peanut butter. And Strawberry Jam. :))
Kiara: EGGS. I don't really eat that much toast. But bagels... 
Cardio or Weights?
Katelyn: Well my biggest exercise is running to the bus so that counts as cardio and weights because my bag weighs a ton. 
Kiara: Cardio? I run when I play soccer. And when I want to get somewhere fast...
Facebook or Twitter?
Katelyn: I'd say Twitter. Facebook has kinda been taken over by random videos. 
Kiara: Twitter. I don't even have Facebook and Twitter does a wonderful job keeping me up with all the hockey news. 
Ice Cream Cone or Snow Cone?
Katelyn: ICE CREAM. 
Kiara: Um ice cream OBVIOUSLY. A snow cone is just flavoured water. 
Mobile Games or Console Games?
Katelyn: I'm going to say Console games just because of Wii Party and GTA 5...  We just like to drive the cars however in GTA 5. And steal planes... 
Kiara: This is a challenging one but I'm going to have to say mobile because of Cut The Rope. 
While walking: Music or Podcasts?
Katelyn: I've only ever listened to a podcast once and I was not walking. I don't listen to anything when I walk but if I had to it would be music. 
Kiara: Considering I have never listened to a podcast, music! 
iOS or Android?
Katelyn: iOS #teamiphone
Kiara: Android #teamandroid
Form or Function?
Katelyn: Form because function reminds me of advanced functions in school and NO WAY
Kiara: I'm so confused
Pop or Indie?
Katelyn: Pop because I don't even know what indie music sounds like
Kiara: Pop because Maroon 5 
Cake or Pie?
Katelyn: Cake because cake
Kiara: Does ice cream cake count? 
Swimming or Sunbathing?
Katelyn: Swimming because I get bored way too fast lying in one spot
Kiara: Swimming
High-tech or Low-tech?
Katelyn and Kiara: wth is low-tech, we have no comments
Big Party or Small Gathering?
Katelyn: Small gathering because I don't think I would even know enough people to have a big party #foreveralone
Kiara: Small gathering of Katelyn and I #rave
New Clothes or New Phone?
Katelyn: This is a dilemma... I want new clothes but I also need a new phone because my iPhone 4s is dying on me... But new clothes... 
Kiara: Clothes I guess because my phone works just fine
Rich Friend or Loyal Friend?
Katelyn: Loyal Friend because Kiara already buys me everything. :)))))
Kiara: Loyal friend.
Football or Basketball?
Katelyn: Football as long as no one tackles me or comes near me
Kiara: Basketball unless the football is actually soccer then soccer
Work Hard or Play Hard?
Katelyn: Work hard because it usually works out better. Trust me I've tried both in school. Playing when you should be studying does not work. 
Kiara: Work hard
Nice Car or Nice Home Interior?
Katelyn: Nice Home Interior because I don't like driving anyways.
Kiara: Nice Home Interior because how long are you actually in your car for? You are in your house majority of your day. 
Jogging or Hiking?
Katelyn: Hiking because jogging is boring.
Kiara: Jogging because it's faster.
Bath or Shower?
Katelyn: I like the idea of baths and I like them when I have them but realistically, I don't got time for that. So showers.
Kiara: Shower because I absolutely despise baths 
Sneakers or Sandals?
Katelyn: Sandals in the summer!
Kiara: *no comment because this is so obvious, sneakers*
Glasses or Contacts?
Katelyn: Neither because I got 20/20, take that
Kiara: I don't need them but if I had to have them, I would choose glasses
Hamburger or Taco?
Katelyn: Tacos because I don't eat red meat
Kiara: This is the hardest question of my life.. *contemplates for eternity*
Couch or Recliner?
Katelyn: Couch because I can spread out more
Kiara: Couch because I take the whole couch for myself :) 
Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?
Katelyn: I like to window shop online but if I'm actually going to buy anything it will be in the store.
Kiara: In a store because I don't have to wait for it and it's easier to get the right size. 
Receive: Email or Letter?
Katelyn: Definitely a letter. It is so much more official and special.
Kiara: Letter, I get enough junk emails 
Passenger or Driver?
Katelyn: Passenger because I like to look out the window and pretend I'm in a movie
Kiara: Passenger 

And those are all the questions! I hope you enjoyed this little tag and learned more about us. 
If you are reading this, we tag you! 

-Katelyn and Kiara

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