Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Happy National Best Friends Day

June 8 2016 is National Best Friends Day and guess what day it is today?

JUNE 8 2016 !!!!!

So happy best friends day! I thought this post was extremely appropriate as Kiara and I are best friends and we have done so much together. So much that in the spirit of Best Friends Day, I'm going to write a list of our best friend accomplishments.

So here we go, our best friend accomplishment list:

1. Vacation to Cuba
2. Vacation to Cuba... again
3. Run or Dye
4. Partner yoga
5. My birthday surprise
6. My birthday scavenger hunt
7. The fact that I got her a Marvel waffle iron
8. Twin Boyfriends (okay maybe that never happened but we had an imaginary relationship with them)
9. Ah-dorable Prom Pics
10. Starting a blog
11. Build a bear buds
12. Cheating on tests... together <3
13. Lasting through the friend group blowout
14. Creating a dance together
15. Ice cream dates
16. The best pranks ever on Kiara's sister
17. Baking... Baking galore
18. All the times Kiara has bought me Tims
19. Friendship bracelets
20. Matching Halloween costumes
21. Dancing and Singing to Camp Rock all the time
22. Skating together
23. Skating while singing Camp Rock
24. Halloween Haunt (Kiara had to hold my hand I was freaking out)
25. Not caring that we look crazy a lot of the time
26. Working out together
27. Swimming at night
28. Putting M&M's in everything
29. Making so many videos
30. Hiking
31. So many inside jokes
32. Horseback riding
33. Fishing
34. Going to the Movies
35. Trying to sneak into a casino
36. Graduating high school together
37. More ice cream because we kinda have an obsession
38. Going skiing
39. Drawing each other really cute pictures
40. Just always surprising each other
41. Wrapping Kiara up in a giant duvet
42. Being just so damn sneaky
43. Playing sims for an insane amount of time
44. Our future plans (I'm living in her backyard in Hawaii)
45. Our dislike for the same people
46. Our paddle boat disaster in Cuba
47. The fact that I DIDN'T die in the paddle boat disaster
48. Loving the same tv shows (Zoey 101, Life with Derek, anyone else?)
49. Not getting in so much crap for all the things we do and accidentally say (okay that's more of me)
50. And finally, just being the bestest friends ever!

And there you go, a list of just a few of the things we've done!

Remember to celebrate with your best friend today!
My Birthday surprise aftermath !

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